Become a table Sponsor
The AWIS Banquet promises to be an inspirational evening. Hearing from the 2023 AWIS award winners, meeting AWIS undergraduate scholarship winners and enjoying the company of other supporters of women in STEM will make for a memorable evening.
Seattle AWIS will be honoring three outstanding women who have advanced their fields of science, technology, or education/outreach. They are leaders and innovators whose work has made an impact. They are mentors and inspiring role models for students and other professionals.
Sponsor a Table for the 2023 June Banquet
Table sponsorship provides an opportunity for companies and organizations to demonstrate support for women in STEM and recognize and thank individuals within the company by providing complimentary banquet tickets. Your financial support enables Seattle AWIS to host this event that inspires our community, especially women, of all ages, at all career levels and in all STEM fields.
Sponsorship Packages
Platinum Plus: $1500 or more
- Ask for details
Platinum $1250
- Complimentary dinner for eight representatives with reserved priority seating
- Recognition as sponsor for high school students’ banquet seats
- Individualized recognition at the banquet with name and logo on program
- Recognition on the AWIS website and in banquet publicity
Gold $900
- Complimentary dinner for six representatives with reserved priority seating
- Recognition at the banquet – with logo on program
- Recognition on the AWIS website and in banquet publicity
Silver $700
- Complimentary dinner for four representatives with reserved priority seating
- Recognition at the banquet – with name on program
For more information or to become a table sponsor, please contact Reitha Weeks at
Payment information will be provided. Sponsorship commitment is required by May 13th but earlier commitment means greater recognition through banquet publicity.